Webisode #2.6:
“The End of Gardening Season”
(1:16 minutes)
As the fall colours begin to wane, Mary Gore closes down her glorious garden for the approaching winter.
Webisode #2.5:
“Word Spells”
(2:19 minutes)
Gardener and poet Lorna Crozier uses ‘word spells’ to help heal the earth. She shares a poem from her latest book.
Webisode #2.4:
“6 Steps to Beautiful Garden Design”
(2:11 minutes)
Make your own garden as beautiful as Marion Jarvie's, by following these six easy steps.
Webisode #2.3: “Bog Plants”
(2:18 minutes)
Justin Dunning has a carnivorous appetite for plants. He specializes in bog plants, and loves exploring remote areas where he finds rare hybrids.
Webisode #2.2: “Good Apples”
(2:25 minutes)
Harry Burton retired at age 50 to pursue his dream of growing apples. Today, he grows hundreds of varieties on his small orchard on Salt Spring Island. In late summer, he brings a harvest of these world apples to Victoria's Moss Street Market, to share with customers and the community.
Webisode #2.1: “Letting the Land Speak”
(2:19 minutes)
Meet Patterson Webster, a visionary who creates a garden filled with unique sculptures and installations that honour the history of Quebec’s Eastern Townships.