Watch online: Ageless Gardens S4E5 / Visionary Gardeners S1E5

The Ageless Gardens Season 4 and Visionary Gardeners Season 1 finales are now available to watch online. Click on the images below to stream.

Ageless Gardens S4E5: “Art in the Garden”
A printmaker turns her lush garden into a living art gallery, where dancers, visual artists, and musicians all come together. A cosmopolitan artist combines floral imagery in playful and complex works, and finds inspiration growing in his back alley.

Visionary Gardeners S1E5: “Beauty and Delight”
After fifty years of gardening the same piece of land on the edge of the Niagara escarpment, a writer reflects on the many connections between art, nature, and a long life. A famed Vancouver florist uses his eye for beauty, while developing new orchid hybrids.


4 Leo Awards Nominations for Ageless Gardens, Season 4


Ageless Gardens Season 4 Finale Airs Tonight on VisionTV